
Ahmadinejad Sees Collapse of 'Bullies' As Good Chance to Spread Islam
(CNSNews.com) -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad predicted on Thursday that the imminent collapse of international "bullies" would be a good opportunity to spread Islam and Iran's Islamic Revolution. Ahmadinejad did not mention the U.S. by name but said that the "bullying powers" were on the verge of collapse because they are hated by the nations of the world, the official Iranian news agency IRNA reported.

Addressing a meeting of Islamic scholars and religious leaders, Ahmadinejad said that "all nations are looking for a new way as they lost their hope [in] the big powers."

The present situation "is a great chance to introduce pure Islamic thoughts and ideals as well as Iran's Islamic Revolution," he said.

Retired Israeli army Lt.-Col Jonathan Halevi, a counter-terrorism expert, told CNSNews.com in an earlier interview that Iran has been using the Lebanese terrorist organization Hezbollah as a "long-arm" to spread its Islamic revolution throughout the world.

In an address to the United Nations last month, Ahmadinejad charged that the "American empire in the world" was "reaching the end of its road."

Ahmadinejad's latest comments came a day after Iranian parliament speaker Ali Larijani threatened the U.S. with suicide bombings in response to an alleged U.S. counter-insurgency strike five miles inside Syria earlier this week.
Posted by: Fred 2008-10-31