
Saudi prince: US-Saudi relations "at a crossroads"
  • Wall Street Journal Opinion Journal
    Crown Prince Abdullah has now admitted what everyone else has been thinking, which is that the U.S.-Saudi relationship is "at a crossroads." The Saudi ruler wrote to President Bush in August that "a time comes when peoples and nations part" and that "it is time for the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to look at their separate interests. Those governments that don't feel the pulse of the people and respond to it will suffer the fate of the Shah of Iran." It's time the U.S. took the Prince up on his offer. For the strains of the war on terrorism are revealing that the long-standing U.S.-Saudi bargain can't hold. In return for oil and the occasional pro-American vote at the United Nations, Washington has looked the other way at Saudi Arabia's precarious politics.
    You finally caught that part about being part of the solution or part of the problem, did you? Well, you were given the choice. Sadly, we will go our separate ways, we into war against terrorism, you into the dustbin of history.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-10-30
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2541