
Well look who's back...

So is U S of KKKA Inc. outta business now, rev? You gonna have a yard sale? Gonna merge with Jesse and Al since it looks like their scams were also blown to shit on Tuesday too?
MILFORD, Conn. -- Barack Obama's former pastor, speaking Thursday at a forum about race and religion, criticized the media's coverage of a controversy that threatened to derail Obama's campaign and caused the president-elect to sever ties with his longtime spiritual leader.
Where ya been, rev? How much did it cost Barry to keep you stashed?
The Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. said the media took videotaped clips out of context that showed him making anti-American statements from the pulpit of the Chicago church where Obama had worshipped for 20 years.
Ah, yes. Ye Olde Out of Context...
The videos, which included Wright thundering "God Damn America" from his pulpit, dominated cable television for weeks. Wright, speaking to an audience of about 200 people at a Milford church, said he was trying to convey the anger and desire for vengeance that people felt following the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
...and you were right out front leading the charge, right, rev?
He said the media failed to explain that Wright was a proud Christian who was raised in a Christian home.
Speaking of homes, how's the new place coming along? Ya get the butler's pantry in yet? Got the white lawn jockey up? How's the Porsche running? At least ya made your killing while the getting was good...
"Their intention was to use me as a weapon of mass destruction, to tear down that man's integrity," said Wright, former pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.
This must've beeen when the media thought that they had to at least look objective. Now? You'd be guest hosting Saturday Night Live...
In a question-and-answer session with the audience, Wright said he didn't believe Obama shared opinions that were publicized on the video clips. "Do you agree with everything your pastor says?" Wright asked. "Ninety percent of the people sitting in church don't agree with everything their pastor says. What I saw is not an index on what he did or does not believe."
That's what I did and believe. I think Barack was sick that day...
Last spring's controversy was a stumbling block for Obama's campaign and prompted him to make an impassioned speech about faith and religion. Obama at first expressed support for Wright, saying that "I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother."
Which he...kinda did to both of them anyways. Sacrifices have to be made, folks.
But six weeks later during a speech at the National Press Club, Wright offered eyebrow-raising opinions about the U.S. government, praised Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and hinted that Obama was distancing himself from the pastor for political expediency.
So ya think now that Obama's in charge, he'll stop that AIDS against blacks program and make the CIA stop dealing crack in the ghetto?
Posted by: tu3031 2008-11-07