
Yemen: Pirates accused of vessel attack as NATO steps up aid escorts
(AKI) - Pirates are reported to have stormed a ship located off the coast of Yemen in the Gulf of Aden, using rocket launchers and Kalashnikov rifles. The nationality of the affected ship, 'CC Future', is unknown. News of the attack was relayed by the commander of an Italian ship, the 'PB Tankers Green Point', from the sailing company Pietro Barbaro.

Last week, the United Nations called for the creation of a special peacekeeping force to tackle the issue of piracy in the Gulf of Aden, off the coast of Somalia and Yemen.

The move follows a resolution endorsed unanimously by the UN Security Council in June to allow foreign warships to enter Somalia's territorial waters to fight piracy.

During 2008 at least 77 vessels have reportedly been attacked in the Gulf of Aden, while 33 others have been hijacked, said the London-based daily The Financial Times.

Meanwhile, NATO warships have been trying to tackle piracy by acting as escorts and deterrents in the Gulf of Aden to food shipments of the United Nations World Food Programme.

A total of seven warships from Italy, Greece, Germany, Turkey and Britain who form the so-called Allied Provider operation have escorted at least 5 WFP vessels since 24 October, a NATO source told Adnkronos.

Safe passage is essential for the UN ships, since up to 90 percent of its food aid to Somalia is shipped by sea.

The Allied Provider operation is part of the wider naval force called Standing NATO Maritime Group Two or SNMG2, whose commander is Italian national Giovanni Gumiero.

Posted by: Fred 2008-11-08