
Antiwar goofs bitch about US taking action - any action
  • By ARMANDO VILLAFRANCA Houston Chronicle Austin Bureau
    AUSTIN -- Bob Buzzanco, a University of Houston history professor and member of Act Now to Stop War and End Racism, criticized U.S. policy that bypasses international law in favor of a direct military response. Though he is uncertain whether Taliban leaders would have negotiated in good faith, he said President Bush should have pursued negotiations for the surrender of Bin Laden and al-Qaida members more fervently and enlisted the international community to apply more pressure toward that end. "You can use force to get somebody like Osama bin Laden, and nobody wants to see him running free, nobody wants to see al-Qaida continue to do this kind of thing. What we're suggesting is that the action taken really jumps most of this steps in the interim," Buzzanco said. "Our concern is that when you say no negotiations, we're not going to take this to the international bodies, when you're going to ignore international law and when you skip all these things in between and you immediately go to the most extreme option, which in this case is bombing Afghanistan."
    Any action, taken any time, after no matter how much thought, is considered by the professional Left to be hasty, ill-timed, and ill-conceived.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-10-29
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2552