
Danish NGO Cuts and Runs Closes Iraq Mine Clearing Program
A Danish relief organization said Monday it was closing its mine clearing program in Iraq after a remote-controlled bomb hit a car belonging to the Copenhagen-based group, slightly injuring three people. "So far the biggest threats against our work has been attacks by Baathists robbers and feyadeen thefts," said Lennart Skov-Hansen, a spokesman for Dan Churchaid, the non-governmental organization.
Didn’t even blame the right people.
Saturday’s blast, apparently from a homemade device, in the southern Iraqi city of Basra, sent shrapnel through the vehicle. "Even a lot of military and police haven’t been able to protect us," he said.
Nobody’s perfect.
The 14 people working for the mine clearance program, including Swedish, Dutch, British, Canadian and Danish personnel, have been sent home, Churchaid said in a statement. Dan Churchaid has about 50 people in Basra. They clear unexploded ordinance from around hospitals and schools and help repair water and electricity lines. Skov-Hansen said Dan Churchaid did not close its water and sewer repair operation in southern Iraq, which is primarily run by Iraqis. Denmark has 410 troops in Basra and nearby Qurnah, 250 miles southeast of Baghdad.
Who will now pick up the unfinished work.
Posted by: Steve White 2004-02-03