
Feds say expect more attacks
  • Washington Times, by Daniel F. Drummond
    Terrorist groups are using anthrax attacks as a diversion and taking advantage of an overburdened law-enforcement system to plan more attacks on America, federal law-enforcement and intelligence sources say. The sources, all of whom are either working on or have close knowledge of the investigations of both the anthrax and Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, said that regardless of whether Osama bin Laden or the al Qaeda terrorist network are behind the anthrax attacks, they are taking advantage of the FBI and other law-enforcement agencies' dedication to solving and dealing with the anthrax attacks as well as hoaxes and scares. "Our guard is down now because we are looking at mail," one intelligence source said.
    I'll be very surprised if there aren't more attacks. September was only the first stage in the war, and unless we kill them they'll keep it up.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-10-29
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2554