
US Marines Get New Version of LAW
According to a contract announced by the Pentagon, the business Nammo Talley Defense will produce 7750 units of the light rocket launcher M72A7 bound for the US Marine Corp. The purchase is valued at 15 million dollars, and the deliveries will be completed in 2011.

The A7 version of this popular weapon has aroused the interest of the Armed Forces because it is very compact and light weight (some 3 kg). The new projectile designed for this version has much less back blast, which allows it to be fired from enclosed spaces
this was a major flaw in earlier versions.
In addition, its new warhead is much more reliable. The A7 version can also fire a new projectile with a thermobaric warhead.
I, for one, am very impressed they can make a thermobaric warhead this small. Translated from Spanish
Posted by: Frozen Al 2008-11-20