
JI still recruiting in SE Asia
Militant Muslims are finding it more difficult to stage attacks in the Asia-Pacific region, but it will be a long time before they are beaten, Australia’s foreign minister said. Alexander Downer is on the Indonesian island of Bali for a regional counter-terror conference that began on Wednesday. "They are not defeated. They have been out recruiting and trying to build up their strength. It’s difficult for them now, more difficult to mount terrorist operations than it was before Bali," Downer said, referring to the attacks on the island’s main tourist strip. "But I assure people it’s not impossible and there is still quite a long way to go."
We're really still in the early stages...
Australian and Indonesian officials said it was essential that political commitment to fighting militants be turned into concrete action. "There has not been any shortage of expressions of commitment to cooperate. What we would like is to bring that to realisation in concrete terms," said Indonesian Foreign Ministry spokesman Marty Natalegawa. Australian Attorney General Philip Ruddock told reporters countries had to standardise and enhance their laws if terror was to be fought effectively.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-02-04