
HORROR! Sarah Palin does TV interview while turkeys are SLAUGHTERED nearby
Huffasnuffaluffagus Post

Some videos you just have to see to believe. On Thursday, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin appeared in Wasilla in order to pardon a local turkey in anticipation of Thanksgiving. This proved to be a slightly absurd but ultimately unremarkable event. But what came next was positively surreal. After the pardon Palin proceeded to do an interview with a local TV station while the turkeys were being SLAUGHTERED in the background!! Seemingly oblivious to the gruesomeness going on over her shoulder, she carries on talking for over three minutes.

h/t Prof. Ann Althouse, who comments:

Deal with it, you candy-asses. If you eat meat, something like that is going on in the background for you too.

Posted by: Mike 2008-11-21