
Iraqi parliament to vote on US troops pact
BAGHDAD - Iraq’s parliament is debating a pact that would allow U.S. forces to remain in the country for three years and is expected to vote on it next week. Its passage is seen as likely but not assured. Here are some facts about the vote:

  • Ruling Shi’ite and Kurdish blocs, with the support of some independents, should have enough votes to enact the pact with a simple majority of 138 votes in the 275 seat house.

  • The vote is due to be held on Monday, but Iraqi parliamentary votes are frequently delayed. Parliamentarians break next week for a holiday recess and a delay could prevent a vote from taking place until they return in mid-December.

  • Authorities may seek to hold a secret ballot, which could enable members of blocs that are publicly opposed to it to break ranks and support it.

  • Some opponents say the pact requires a two-thirds majority, but the government says an Iraqi court has ruled this is not necessary.

  • Influential Shi’ite Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani has said the pact should have the support of all of Iraq’s communities. This could cause difficulty for the government if, for example, all major Sunni Arab parties oppose it.

  • Once passed by the parliament the pact can still be vetoed by President Jalal Talabani or either of his two vice presidents. Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi belongs to a Sunni political group that has insisted on a referendum.

  • Posted by: Steve White 2008-11-22