
9-year-old student charged in pencil stabbing
A staff report

A 9-year-old elementary school student has been charged with seriously injuring a classmate by stabbing her in the back with a pencil on Wednesday, lawmen said.

Cumberland County sheriff’s deputies charged the boy after he stabbed the 10-year-old girl at Cliffdale Road Elementary School, a news release said.

Investigators say the boy stabbed the girl with a pencil, causing a puncture wound on the upper portion of her back.

The boy stabbed the girl after an argument over a pencil box, authorities said.
*** There are so many places one could go with this I don't know where to start ***

According to the release, the boy found his missing pencil box in the girl’s possession.

The girl did not require emergency medical assistance and returned to school Thursday, the release said.

Detectives could charge the boy with assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury pending the outcome of the investigation, the release said.

He is in the custody of his parents at this time. School officials will handle disciplinary action against him.
Posted by: jimk 2008-11-24