
America’s Most Powerful Hate Group
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The Anti-Defamation League is the longest running and most powerful hate group in the United States with 28 offices domestically and 3 offices abroad. They bring in nearly $60 million a year to combat free speech and the right of ethnic minorities to defend themselves from bigotry (including Black Muslims, Arabs, and Euro-Americans). The Anti-Defamation League was created in 1913 by the racist secret society known as B’nai B’rith (which means "blood of the Chosen"). This organization, which exists today excludes people based on their ethnic background and religion. It is exclusively restricted to powerful Jews who believe in racial superiority. The ADL has spearheaded efforts at censorship against all people who wish to express themselves culturally and racially. The Director of the ADL Richard Gutstadt wrote to all periodicals he could find to censor the book, "The Conquest of A Continent." Mr Gutstadt brazenly writes, "We are interested in stifling the sale of this book." The ADL was also instrumental in terrorizing St. Martin’s Press into canceling their contract last year with David Irving. The ADL trys to cover its anti-free speech activities by giving out a Free Speech "Torch of Liberty" award occasionally. The most prominent recipient is flesh peddler and woman denigrator Hugh Hefner. Obscene pornographer Larry Flynt is another supporter who has contributed 100,000s of dollars to the ADL.
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Posted by: LouisIV 2004-02-04