
"Russia does not hold talks with terrorists - Russia destroys them."
President Vladimir Putin blamed Chechen militants for an explosion Friday in a Moscow subway car that killed 39 commuters during the morning rush hour. Putin called the attack "a grave crime" that was part of "the plague of the 21st century." He also rejected any peace negotiations with rebels from the breakaway republic of Chechnya. "Russia does not hold talks with terrorists," Putin said. "Russia destroys them."
First Russia had better get its tactical intel house in order. You can't destroy them unless you know who and where they are. Russia's been thrashing around in Chechnya for years and the same old suspects keep doing the same old things...
Authorities think the explosion was due to an 11-pound bomb left under a seat in a backpack or suitcase. No group claimed responsibility, and officials at the scene were divided about whether it was the work of a suicide bomber. "We unequivocally condemn this cowardly attack," U.S. Ambassador Alexander Vershbow said in Moscow. "No political cause can justify terrorist attacks that kill and maim innocent civilians."
"Call 'em 'freedumb fighters' all you want, it's still terrorism..."
Deputy Mayor Valeri Shantsev said there was no shrapnel in the bomb, unlike the ones used in most suicide attacks. But the Interfax news agency quoted police sources as saying they have a videotape of the suspected attacker and her male accomplice standing on the subway platform.
Brought her to the station and kissed her goodbye, did he?
Many Muscovites think stronger measures are needed to combat what they see as a growing threat from Chechen militants. "Terrorist attacks like this are going to continue until the problem of Chechen terrorism is solved," said Sergei Popov, a pilot from Moscow. "Unfortunately, these attacks may eventually affect the aviation sector as well." Dmitri Trenin, a Moscow political analyst, said Friday’s blast represented "a major quantum leap" in the level of fear, violence and terrorism in the Russian capital. Some observers, including Putin, think the incident probably was connected to the presidential elections March 14.
They couldn’t bloody the Chechen polls to their liking because of all the extra security, so they’re going after the presidential elections. This latest boom, incidentally is the 3rd time they’ve attacked Moscow in less than 12 months. Just an idea of what the US may have to deal with further down the line.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-02-07