
Interesting bit of info here ...
I’m excerpting this from a much larger story from Knight Ridder newspapers that more or less regurgitates the Neocon Cabal(TM) theory without actually calling it that. However, there was one interesting bit of information that we did manage to get out of all of this.
Some of the disputed findings were presented as facts to Americans as Bush drummed up his case for war. Those findings included charges of cooperation between Saddam and al-Qaida, Cheney’s assertion that Iraq had rebuilt its nuclear weapons program and would "soon" have a nuclear bomb, and Bush’s contention in his 2003 State of the Union address that Saddam was seeking nuclear bomb-making material from Africa.

Senior officials on Monday revealed new details of how Cheney’s office pressed Secretary of State Colin Powell to use large amounts of disputed intelligence in a February 2003 presentation to the United Nations Security Council laying out the U.S. case for an invasion. A senior administration official said that during a three-day pre-speech review, Powell rejected more than half of a 45-page assessment on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction compiled by Cheney’s chief of staff, I. Lewis Libby, and based on materials assembled by pro-invasion hard-liners in the Pentagon and the White House. Powell also jettisoned 75 percent of a separate report on al-Qaida, said the official. Still, he said, Libby continued pressing Powell unsuccessfully right up until a few minutes before the speech to include dubious information purportedly linking Saddam to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
I’m assuming that this has something to do with either the Atta/Prague connection or the case of Shakir. Possibly Salman Pak or various theories that have been put out in certain circles as to who Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is. While this article is more or less a hit piece on Cheney, it also means that what he told us about Iraqi ties to al-Qaeda as well as what Tenet told Congress a week or so later wasn’t in the stack of disputed info. Stuff like Zarqawi being in Baghdad, one of Sammy’s agents being on the Ansar al-Islam ruling council, or Iraq training al-Qaeda in chemical warfare. The press has far too short an attention span to pick up on this, but it’s a distinction worth noting.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-02-07