
Lack of cumshaw to city, state Dems may hurt Princess Caroline's bid
Caroline Kennedy's supporters say she could raise tons of money as a senator, but when it comes to writing checks to New York Democrats, she's been largely AWOL.

This decade, other than a $1,000 donation to City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, the Camelot heiress has not financially supported any Democrat seeking city or state office in New York, records reveal.

Some say Kennedy, who is worth at least $100 million, missed an opportunity to curry favor among Democratic pols to establish herself as a serious political player as she lobbies Gov. Paterson for Hillary Clinton's Senate seat.
Doesn't that sentence speak volumes as to what's wrong with our politics today?
She has already been asked to explain a spotty Election Day voting record over the past 20 years.

"Voting is the minimum thing that you can do, and she hasn't done that. The next thing you can do is you could donate money, and she hasn't done that," said Doug Muzzio, professor of public affairs at Baruch College. "It calls into question her commitment to politics and to government."

On the federal level, Kennedy doled out roughly $30,000 in the past decade, but Clinton was the only New Yorker to benefit. Kennedy gave to Clinton's Senate and presidential campaigns. The former First Lady returned $2,300 of Kennedy's cash after she endorsed Barack Obama.

Stefan Friedman, Kennedy's spokesman, said she is a "lifelong member of the Democratic Party" and "has always supported New York Democratic elected officials and Democrats seeking office."

She "has also given her time and energy to many causes that New York Democrats hold dear."
Posted by: Fred 2008-12-26