
Egypt, the PA, and Saudi papers: all smarter than the U.S. mainstream press
Tom Gross, "Media Blog" @ National Review

While radical Islam’s “useful idiots” in the Western media continue to be taken in by Hamas propaganda, both the Palestinian Authority and Egypt squarely blame Hamas for the present confrontation with Israel.

* Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmad Aboul Gheit harshly criticized Hamas yesterday at a press conference in Cairo. Gheit also blamed Hamas for not allowing wounded persons from Gaza to seek treatment in Egypt, saying Hamas were more interested in having the injured serve as pawns in their propaganda war on Western TV networks rather than allowing them to be treated.

* Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas said that Hamas could have avoided the Israeli attacks on Gaza. “We talked to Hamas and we told them ‘please, we ask you, do not end the truce. Let the truce continue and not stop’ so that we could have avoided what happened,” he said. Reuters reported these statements widely and yet certain international media such as the BBC have not reported them.

* An editorial I located (by Tariq Hamid) in the leading Saudi paper Asharq Al Awsat also blamed Hamas. It said:

“... leniency with Hamas made the Arab world a partner in the suffering of the Palestinians.

“... Arab states should call a spade a spade... let Hamas bear the responsibility if only once.”

* For more details on Western media coverage – and miscoverage – of present events in Israel and Gaza, please see here.
Posted by: Mike 2008-12-29