
Iranian Clerics Register Volunteers To Fight In Gaza
Tehran: Iranian hardline clerics are signing up volunteers to fight Israel amid continued deadly air strikes on the Gaza Strip, the Fars news agency reported on Monday.

Fars said the Combatant Clergy Society on Monday activated its website www.rohaniatmobarez.com to register volunteers "to fight against the Zionist regime in either the military, financial or propaganda fields."

The news agency reported that more than 1,100 people so far had registered for military service against Israel.
All sorts of opportunities, but I favor the garbage scow in the Arabian Sea ...
The clerics' move came a day after Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khomenei issued a religious decree to Muslims around the world, ordering them to defend Palestinians in Gaza. Khomenei said on Sunday that whoever was killed in the fight to defend Palestinians was "considered a martyr".
Excuse me? Wouldn't that be considered a declaration of war on Israel by Iran?
Posted by: lftbhndagn 2008-12-29