
Blago lawyer: Wiretaps don't show illegal actions
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. - The lawyer for Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich says federal wiretaps may have caught the governor making some "unfortunate" remarks but they don't show him doing anything that justifies impeachment. Attorney Ed Genson told a House committee that there's no evidence the governor ever took any illegal action to auction off a U.S. Senate seat or pressure the Chicago Tribune to fire its editorial writers.

Blagojevich was arrested Dec. 9 on federal corruption charges. The criminal complaint includes snippets from Blagojevich conversations that were caught on tape. Genson says the conversations amount to "unfortunate talk, talk that shouldn't have been made perhaps. But not actions."
Only in Illinois can you say that and not have your lips fall off. Well, and New Jersey. And Louisiana. And Rhode Island.
The committee has been assigned to recommend whether the full House should vote on impeachment.
Posted by: Steve White 2008-12-29