
Castro's 50th Anniversary - Human Interest story in NYT
Grief Marks Anniversary of Triumph of Castro

HIALEAH, Fla. -- Four months after they appeared in the waters between Havana and Miami, the four dead men remain nameless. At a morgue in the Florida Keys, they lie on stretchers stacked like bunk beds, their bodies chewed by sharks, their faces too putrified to be recognized.
not bad for the NYTimes; no Castro cheerleading
Obama's coming into office. Expect all the leopards to change their spots and never, ever admit it.

All of a sudden Doonesbury is showcasing the effects of removing Saddam from power & the NYT is downplaying Castro's heroic revolutionary leadership. You'd think Obama is going to have to deal with the real world or something.

Posted by: mhw 2009-01-01