
US ban on Beirut building project
The US Treasury department yesterday banned any Americans from taking part in a construction project in Beirut, accusing Hizbollah of using the project to raise funds for terrorism.

The $370m Waad (Promise) Project is centred around rebuilding the suburb of Dahiyeh, a Hizbollah stronghold that was devastated during the 2006 war with Israel. It includes homes and businesses and is the biggest construction project in the country since the redevelopment of downtown Beirut after the 1975-1990 civil war. But the US Treasury accused Hizbollah, which the US considers a terrorist group, of having used the company behind the project - also called the Waad Project - to rebuild its command headquarters in Dahiyeh and underground weapons storage facilities and other military infrastructure.

Hizbollah could not be reached for comment last night.
Posted by: ryuge 2009-01-07