
Iraq’s Sadr urges reprisals against US over Gaza raids
NAJAF, Iraq - The Shia radical movement of Moqtada al-Sadr, which fought two wars with US troops in 2004, threatened on Wednesday to resume attacks on American targets inside Iraq over Washington’s support for the Israeli assault on Gaza. ‘I ask the Iraqi resistance to engage in revenge operations against the United States, the biggest parter of the Zionist enemy,’ Sadr said in a statement issued by his office in the central shrine city of Najaf.

He called on ‘all countries which host Israeli embassies on their territory to close down those missions which are the source of terrorism in Arab and Islamic countries as a sign of support for the Palestinian people.’

He called on Iraqis to ‘place Palestinian flags on the roofs of all buildings, mosques and churches in a show of support for the mujahedeen (holy warriors) in Gaza.
Posted by: Steve White 2009-01-08