
Tech note from the mods
Esteemed Rantburgers, a few reminders.

When submitting articles, please make sure that you have:

  • Checked that the article hasn't already been posted that day OR in previous days. You can use the Search box on the Rantburg front page or read through past day archives. But do this, please. The mods have had to delete a lot of duplicate submissions lately.

  • Put the correct URL for the story into the Source box. If possible, provide a permanent link, not just the main page for the news source.
When submitting comments, please make sure that:
  • Links are correctly specified

  • Embedded photos are sized to fit the usual display box and don't break the page formatting

The mods are busy ejecting trolls, cleaning up spam, sifting through news sources and occasionally working for a living, so we don't have time to fix these errors. Given the volume of traffic here - especially with Gaza operations ongoing and the Presidential and Congressional transition - we *will* delete submissions and comments that do not comply.

Oh, and by the way - Barbara is running a special on popcorn and the O Club has a couple different beers on tap. Mostly cold but we have one small keg at room temp for our Brit friends. Chips, pretzels, bar nuts (pun intended) and cheese dip are out on the sidebar -- help yourself.

Posted by: lotp 2009-01-09