
Apparent Car Bomb At Iraq Police Station , 50 Maybe Dead
An apparent car bomb exploded at a police station south of Baghdad on Tuesday, the U.S. military said, and Iraqi hospitals are reporting at least 50 dead. Lt. Col. Dan Williams, a coalition spokesman, quoted initial police reports as saying six people were killed and 40 injured. He said no U.S. or other coalition forces were killed or injured. Col. William Darley, a military spokesman, said the blast occurred in the town of Iskandariyah, 30 miles south of the Iraqi capital. He had no further details. Meanwhile, the Convention Center, which houses the U.S. military press center and other coalition facilities, was closed Tuesday. Darley said there had been "some kind of threat" against the facility but he gave no further details. The bombing comes on the heels of U.S. officials confirming that an opponent of the U.S. military operation in Iraq asked Al Qaeda leaders for help in creating a sectarian war between Shiite and Sunni Muslims, U.S. officials said Monday.
Posted by: TS 2004-02-10