
Dean to Stay in Race Until Ringing in Head Stops
(2004-02-09) -- Former Democrat presidential frontrunner Howard Dean today reversed his previous pledge to drop out of the race if he loses the Wisconsin primary. He now promises to stay in "until this ringing in my head stops."
“Ding dong- ya ok Howard just take a nice nap now, the men in the white coats are on the way”
"Even if I don’t win Wisconsin or any other state, I will continue to run," Mr. Dean told a small crowd of supporters in Sheboygan.
“Probably there to see if he has anymore freakout speeches”
"If I don’t get the nomination, I will run as an independent. And if I lose the general election, I will immediately announce my 2008 campaign and keep running. I will never stop running for president. This is my profession -- my calling.
“I’m not self delusional am I? ..they’re coming to take me way ha ha, they’re coming to take me away ho ho hee hee, to the funny farm
The ringing in my head beckons me to strive inexorably onward. Can you hear the ringing? Can you hear it?"
“uh ya man sure

.ya we hear it
The crowd erupted in applause and shouts of "Yes, we hear it. Run Howard, run!"
“Similar to people who have been known to egg on suicide jumpers”
Posted by: dataman1 2004-02-10