
Israel weighs seizing Gaza border corridor
Israeli military plans in the Gaza Strip include the option of retaking the narrow stretch of land that separates the coastal enclave from Egypt to try to prevent Hamas from rearming, Western diplomats said on Monday. Israel intensified its aerial bombardment overnight of the so-called Philadelphi corridor to destroy smuggling tunnels that Hamas could use to move longer-ranged rockets, leaders, fighters and funds in and out of the war zone. Western diplomats, speaking on condition of anonymity, described a ground operation to retake the Philadelphi corridor and parts of the town of Rafah as one of Israel's leading 'third phase' options if talks over a ceasefire founder. A ground operation along the corridor would allow Israel to use bulldozers and sonar equipment to root out tunnels that have yet to be destroyed with air power alone. Holding the nine-mile-long Philadelphi corridor could give Israel a bargaining chip in ceasefire talks, diplomats said. Israel has demanded security guarantees from Egypt and Western powers to ensure the tunnels are not rebuilt.
Posted by: Fred 2009-01-13