
Cairo should compensate for Gaza
An Iranian lawmaker has called on the Egyptian government to make up for its negligence during the Israeli onslaught against the Gaza Strip.

"The Egyptian government did not behave in a positive and responsible manner in the Gaza conflict. We expect the Egyptians to compensate for their slackness," the Iranian Parliament (Majlis) rapporteur for the National Security and Foreign Commission, Kazem Jalali, told IRNA News Agency on Monday.

Regarding the possible closure of the Egyptian Interest Section in Tehran, the parliamentarian said that Tehran views Egypt as an outstanding regional playmaker. Jalali remarked that the general feeling is that close Tehran-Cairo rapport would benefit the interests of the Muslim world.

He also described the Israeli unilateral ceasefire as defining the failure of the Zionist regime failure to take over the Gaza Strip. "The spirited resistance shown by the Gazans to the Israeli hostilities punctured Tel Aviv's invincibility myth. Israel's ceasefire marks a victory for Hamas as well as other Palestinian resistance factions," Jalali noted.

Posted by: Fred 2009-01-20