
Schumer the unseen hand in NY Senate choice
Democratic insiders say the selection of Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand to fill New York's vacant U.S. Senate seat showed the pivotal influence of senior Sen. Charles Schumer.

Gov. David Paterson selected the little-known congresswoman over candidates Caroline Kennedy, backed by President Barack Obama and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and Andrew Cuomo, backed by Hillary Rodham Clinton and former President Bill Clinton.

But at the news conference introducing Paterson's choice Friday, one big smile gave it all away, and it was on the Schumer's face.

"Schumer was pushing her, he was really pushing," said a Democrat on Saturday who was told by Paterson that Schumer favored Gillibrand. The Democrat was familiar with the inner workings of Paterson's selection but spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to speak publicly about the process.

Schumer insisted he was neutral in the seven weeks since the Senate seat was opened by Hillary Clinton's secretary of state nomination.

"Each one of them would make an excellent senator," Schumer said in December, declaring he would not back any individual.

Publicly, Paterson's process was, by all accounts, moving toward a coronation for Kennedy, daughter of slain President John F. Kennedy. She was praised by Bloomberg and by Obama, whom she had given an early and critical endorsement in last year's presidential primaries.

But internally, Paterson always had Gillibrand high on his list. And by the time he attended Tuesday's inauguration of Obama, Paterson started to focus on her, according to the Democrat who spoke Saturday.

She had been inspired by Hillary Clinton, worked on the former first lady's 2000 Senate campaign, and has many of the same qualities: Unflappable, a bright and focused attorney, a work horse in devouring information on issues, and well-schooled in the retail politics that gets New Yorkers elected.

Then came Wednesday. Back in New York, a chaotic few hours began in the afternoon with Kennedy's viability as the front-runner questioned, then dashed. Kennedy told Paterson she was rethinking her interest in the seat. She mentioned a new and pressing personal issue.

Posted by: Fred 2009-01-25