
International Court Begins First Trial
Geez, you guys sure you're ready?
PARIS -- More than six years after openings its doors, the International Criminal Court in The Hague began its first trial Monday, as Thomas Lubanga, a former Congolese warlord, took his seat in the dock, facing a crowded court and public gallery.
So...have they been "on the clock" for the last six years? My guess? Most definitely...
Lubanga has nothing to worry about. Like Milosevic he'll live a long and happy life in a prison hotel suite at The Hague, and die peacefully in his sleep before a verdict is rendered ...
Mr. Lubanga, 48, once the leader of a powerful and violent militia, is accused of war crimes, including commandeering children under the age of 15 and sending them into war to maim and kill. He pleaded not guilty to the crimes, which prosecutors said occurred in 2002-2003 during ethnic fighting in the Ituri region of Eastern Congo.

Supporters of the court have hailed the long-awaited trial as a momentous step for the tribunal, created to try large-scale human rights violations, while critics contend it has been too long in coming. Mr. Lubanga was brought to the Hague almost three years ago. Now, both sides see the trial as a test case that will be closely watched by lawyers and human rights activists. Turf wars within the court, bitter legal squabbles and irritation among the trial judges had almost torpedoed the case. Last July, as the trial was about to start, judges put a halt to the proceedings, citing legal and strategic errors by the prosecution, and said Mr. Lubanga should be set free, though he was ultimately kept in custody. The judges said the prosecution's handling of evidence amounted to "wholesale and serious abuse" and ruled that at that point a fair trial was not possible.
Yeah, sounds about right for something that starts with "International"..
Now that the judges have given their green light and errors have been redressed, Mr. Lubanga will be tried by three international judges -- from Britain, Costa Rica and Bolivia -- in a process that is expected to go on until the end of this year.
Harrrrumph harrrumph harrrrumph...
Prosecutors will start their case by calling on more than 30 witnesses, nine of them young men and women who were themselves former child soldiers.
See ya in two years with the verdict. If he don't die in the meantime...
Posted by: tu3031 2009-01-26