
Operation Saber Turner Phase II
TIKRIT, IRAQ - As part of "Operation Saber Turner Phase II", soldiers from 1st Battalion, 10th Cavalry Regiment raided a location in Yathrib and captured two individuals suspected of financing and planning rocket and improvised explosive device attacks against Coalition forces and innocent Iraqi citizens.

Soldiers captured five other individuals and confiscated three AK-47 assault rifles, one bolt-action rifle, three AK-47 assault rifle upper receivers, one 40mm mortar round, one Iraqi field manual for rocket and artillery equipment and PVC pipes that were the same color and type used in previous attacks.

Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment and 1st Battalion, 27th Infantry Regiment of the 173rd Airborne Brigade fired on a auto, wounding one individual, after the driver of the vehicle tried to avoid a checkpoint established during a search of a location east of Huwiyjah in evening of Feb. 10. Soldiers were in the area searching for individuals believed to be responsible for attacks against Coalition forces, when individuals using automatic weapons attacked them. Soldiers returned fire and the attackers fled.

A patrol from A Company, 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment saw a mortar round explode near Al Ouja in the late afternoon of Feb. 10. The soldiers went to where they believed the mortar was fired. At that location soldiers encountered an Iraqi citizen who led to a weapons and ammunition cache where they discovered one 60mm mortar tube and 15 60mm mortars. Eight individuals found near the mortar cache were detained. A witness to the attack agreed to identify the people responsible and pointed out two individuals. Those two and two others captured are being held for questioning.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins 2004-02-12