
Tax Relief Is Strengthening Our Economy
White House Fact Sheet on the economy. Worth reading the whole thing.

For example, if none of the President’s tax relief had been enacted, in 2004:

* 111 million Americans would pay, on average, $1,586 more in taxes;
* 81 million women would pay, on average, $1,878 more in taxes;
* 49 million married couples would pay, on average, $2,602 more in taxes;
* 43 million families with children would pay, on average, $2,090 more in taxes;
* 11 million single women with children would pay, on average, $921 more in taxes;
* 14 million elderly individuals would pay, on average, $1,883 more in taxes;
* 25 million small businesses would pay, on average, $3,001, more in taxes; and
* Nearly 5 million individuals and families who currently have no income tax liability would become subject to the income tax.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins 2004-02-12