
Guantanamo inmate set for transfer
Seven Spanish policemen have flown to Guantanamo Bay to escort home a Spanish national detained there. Spanish authorities have alleged that Abderrahman Ahmad - captured in Afghanistan in 2001 - is a member of a Spanish al-Qaeda cell. US Secretary of State Colin Powell said on Wednesday that Mr Ahmad’s repatriation would be the first in a series of prisoner transfers. Mr Ahmad, 29, is from Spain’s North African enclave of Ceuta. He is one of four Guantanamo inmates to be charged by Spanish High Court Judge Baltasar Garzon with having links to an al-Qaeda cell in Spain discovered in November 2001. Mr Ahmad is expected to appear before Judge Garzon for questioning on Friday evening. The Spanish government has said it will seek the extradition of the other three men.
So long, Ahmad. Hope you enjoy the Spanish Inquisition.
Posted by: Steve 2004-02-12