
Judge Uses Vulgar Language As She Is Charged
Repeatedly using vulgar and racial insults, Superior Court Judge E. Curtissa Cofield argued with a police officer -- addressing him as "Negro trooper" at one point -- who was trying to process her on a charge of drunken driving in Glastonbury last October, a police video released Monday shows.
She's Black.
Cofield also is heard twice on the video using the racial term "n-----."
Thereby demonstrating that idiocy can be found in pretty much every racial, ideological etc. group.
The state's Judicial Review Council released the video Monday after it found cause to pursue five judicial misconduct charges against her, several of them based on what was termed disparaging, demeaning or "racially inappropriate" language.

The council has scheduled a hearing Feb. 9 to determine whether Cofield violated the judicial code of conduct and, if so, what action to take against her.
Violated the code of conduct - no, really? You mean racial epithets flung at police aren't okay? I mean, she IS after all a Black female judge who's tired of being treated as if she's from the 'hood.

Even when she acts that way. ESPECIALLY when she acts that way.

Posted by: Fred 2009-01-28