
Bin Laden's 'Bonn Bomber' threatens Germany
This is the sinister face of Osama bin Laden's German Al-Qaeda terrorist -- who is threatening to launch bomb attacks in Germany.

Bekkay Harrach (31), dubbed the 'Bonn Bomber', is considered a specialist in remote-controlled bombs, and made his alarming threats in an intenet terror video. With his face covered in a black turban and with his index finger raised, "Abu Talha the German" promises in the video to launch an attack in Germany before this year's Bundestag elections. Speaking in perfect German, the terrorist sent a chilling message: "Our atom bomb is the car bomb."

The Al-Qaeda video was intended to spread fear around the world, and the German BKA federal police agency has talked about a "new quality". Now BILD can tear away the veil from German-Moroccan Bekkay Harrach.

He looks like a slight young man with brown eyes, full lips and prominent ears. The picture was taken when he was about 20, when he went to a night school in Bonn. From 2002-2004, he studied laser technology and business mathematics in Koblenz. He was already noticeable then to the authorities, who were aware of his radical Islamist views.

In 2007, Harrach travelled to the tribal area on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. After secret training, he rose to become Al-Qaeda's chief planner of attacks abroad. Harrach, a Morrocan who became a nationalised German in 1997, is now at the top of American most wanted lists.

They believe that he and his German wife Elisabeth (29), a convert to Islam, and their son Hamsa (2) are hiding in the inaccessible mountains in the lawless Pakistani region of Waziristan. But Osama bin Laden's friend is threatened with the same fate which met a former Al-Qaaeda planning boss, Abu Ubaida -- the Egyptian was killed a year ago by a rocket fired from an unmanned US drone.

The biggest fear held by German security forces is that Harrach could secretly return to Germany in order to bring his attack plans to fruition. In the 30-minute terror video, he brandishes a bazooka and waves it around, demanding the withdrawal of German soldiers from Afghanistan. The BKA warned in an internal document: "The possibility of suicide attacks must also be taken into account."
Posted by: ryuge 2009-01-29