
Rosanne Barr gives The Boss sage advice
The psychotic Roseanne Barr has some really sound advice for Bruce Springsteen. Assuming Springsteen is dumb enough to flush his career before a worldwide audience, here's what the idiot offers as advice.

The Boss oughta demand during his half-time appearance this Sunday that Obama stop bombing Pakistan (which even President Karzai of Afghanistan has requested) and stop funding the Israeli war machine! TELL OBAMA TO STOP BOMBING PAKISTAN AND MAKE ISRAEL STOP BOMBING GAZA!!!!

It's highly unlikely Springsteen would pay any mind to this idiocy and he'll be wise to keep to performing and leave the politics for another day. The NFL has made it clear they'd like halftime and pregame performers stick to music and leave the politics off stage.
Barr's career peaked in about 1990 when she was named "America's Pig" by some celebrity media outlet or another. It's been downhill ever since, now she is just a has-been local pig.

Same for Madonna, who was "America's Slut" in the same article, but who has since been eclipsed by hordes of younger competitors.

Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy 2009-01-31