
Japan should take lead role in peace process: Palestinians
Japan should be admitted into the so-called Quartet of nations and organizations sponsoring the stalled Mideast peace process, the Palestinian foreign minister said Thursday. Nabil Shaath, who is in Tokyo for talks with Japanese officials, said he appreciated Japan’s financial contributions to the Palestinians over the years, but felt it was time for Tokyo to take a larger role in resolving the conflict. "Japan has the trust of all Palestinians and also, I think, the Israelis," Shaath told reporters. "We think it’s unfair to ask Japan just to pay the bill without being part of the decision-making." Shaath suggested that Japanese monitors could be posted in Palestinian territories as a means of contributing.
Ohoh. Setting up some more targets for Hamas, are we? Can't lure the Merkins into that position, so we'll try the Japanese...
Shaath was joined by Palestinian Finance Minister Salam Fayad. The Palestinian delegation met with Foreign Ministry officials Thursday, and a meeting with Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi was scheduled for Friday. The Palestinians are also looking for more financial help from the Japanese. Japan has contributed $650 million to the Palestinians over the past decade, though annual donations have dropped in recent years, Shaath said.
Along with everyone else's, it would seem. Maybe they don't like seeing their money go down the toilet with no progress at all being made?

Posted by: TS 2004-02-12