
Kos Kiddie: "Please pay your taxes."
"Trapper John" @ DailyKos

To hear the politicians tell it, taxes are really hard, and you just can't blame a guy (by which we mean an ex-Senator) for not being able to tell whether, say, a car and driver provided by a major party contributor constitutes compensation, or just a massive "gift."

Now would be a good time for Obama to clear this up:


To: Anyone who sent his or her resume to my transition team
From: The President of the United States

Please pay your taxes. We kinda need them, what with the financial crisis and the massive stimulus spending and whatnot. Thanks.


PS: In case you're confused -- personal gifts are things like sweaters and bottles of wine, or -- if you're really lucky -- maybe a Wii or Sox-Yanks tickets or something. If you're honestly deluded enough to believe that daily use of a goddamn Town Car and a goddamn chauffeur is a "gift," you're probably too divorced from everyday reality to work for the people of the United States.

kthxbai, POTUS

Do not mock Trapper John the Kos Kiddie, for what you see here are the first stirrings of Figuring It Out. Our friend Trapper here has just noticed that Tom Daschle, that pillar of the Party of Working People, is an elitist bastard who is "too divorced from everyday reality to work for the people of the United States." At some point, if he continues on this path of clear-eyed perception, he will come to the same realization about Pelosi, Reid, various Kennedys, and, ultimately, about the Obamamessiah Himself. Let us be encouraging and supportive of him, and of any other Obama fans who are starting to figure it out.
Posted by: Mike 2009-02-04