
Gay Marriage Debate Goes National
As Massachusetts lawmakers wrestled with whether to outlaw gay marriage, nearly 100 same-sex couples were married in San Francisco and couples tried to marry in other states, reflecting America’s divisions over whether gays can legally wed. The issue of gay marriage is one of the most divisive in the United States. It pits arguments for basic civil rights against deeply held religious beliefs. It may become an issue in the presidential campaign.

There has been a lot of news lately about gay marriages, but that’s old news in Boulder, Colorado. In an article called Reminiscing About Boulder we find this under the heading Funniest thing? :

Sometime in the ’70s there was a city clerk named Clea Rorex. A couple of gay and lesbian couples had applied for marriage licenses and Clea issued them, claiming that she could find no statute that prevented it. Of course, this created controversy, with nationwide publicity. A cowboy named Roz, a conservative left over from the old days, was puzzled by the issuance of these marriage licenses. After much thought, he mounted his horse—a mare—and rode it into the courthouse to Clea’s office. There he declared, “If a boy can marry a boy and a girl can marry a girl, then why can’t an old cowboy marry his horse?” And he applied for a marriage license. Clea asked the horse’s name and age. “Lulu,” Roz said. “She’s 12 years old.” Clea told him that Lulu was underage and Roz would have to wait six years or obtain written consent from Lulu’s parents. At that, Roz retired back to The Walrus, his old watering hole, to puzzle it some more.

I'm mildly surprised to see that this is the most pressing issue occupying Peshawar today. Britney wearing a brassiere today? Janet keep her shirt on? Jean-Benet not dead anymore?

Posted by: GK 2004-02-14