
Educrat Idiocy - Not Just For Big City Schools Anymore!
It may be the town’s slogan, but it doesn’t meet the approval of the superintendent who has placed a school ban on the centennial T-shirts that read: ``Climax -- More than just a feeling.’’
Jane, meet Dick.
About a dozen students wore the Climax T-shirts to school this week in protest, and one girl was sent home Wednesday for refusing to turn her shirt inside out.
Although she did turn her hat around and spit.
Shirley Moberg, superintendent of Climax-Shelly schools, said the slogan’s sexual innuendo made it inappropriate for students to wear.
Dick, meet Shirley.
School officials had ``turned a blind eye’’ to students wearing the shirts until recently, when a teacher wore it to school and a person complained. The shirts are no longer allowed to be worn at school, she said.
Silly sons of a diseased animal-trough wiper!
Climax, a town of roughly 270 near the North Dakota border, adopted the ``More than a feeling’’ slogan in 1996 for its centennial. The slogan was used in advertising and promotions, and the T-shirts have been around for years.
Tip for Shirley: Pissing off most of the teenage population of a town of 270 people is probably a bad idea.
Climax-Shelly junior Ali Tweten said the shirts have been allowed in the past and the ban seemed to come out of nowhere.
"I mean, what a dick!"
``When I wear my T-shirt, its a sign of pride for my town,’’ Tweten said. ``I don’t really wear it to be meant in that way (as a sexual innuendo)’’... The students who wore the shirt to school Wednesday were told to go to the bathroom and turn it inside out. All did, except 18-year-old Bethany Grove, a senior, who was suspended for the afternoon. ``The T-shirt has been a tradition,’’ Grove said. ``It’s been around for almost 10 years. A lot of people have them.’’
"And anyway, Shirley’s a self-important asshole, everybody knows that."
Climax, after all, is the town’s name, she said.
Augh! Logic!... Run, Dick, run!
As part of its centennial celebration, a contest was held to pick a town slogan. Some of the other entries included: ``No End to Climax,’’ ``Cling to the Culmination: Climax Forever’’ and ``Bring a Friend to Climax.’’
An entire small town full of smartasses. Shirley must be so lonely...

Posted by: Cap 2004-02-14