
UN report details Taliban civilian executions
  • By Priscilla Cheung Associated Press Writer
    UNITED NATIONS –– Taliban soldiers executed Afghan civilians indiscriminately after taking over the strategic Yakoalong district this year, according to a U.N. report released Friday. Kamal Hossain, author of the report, said about 130 civilians were executed – most of them by firing squad – during three days of carnage after the Taliban took over Yakoalong from opposition forces in January.

    Hossain's report is one of the most detailed accounts yet of alleged Taliban atrocities. He is investigating rights abuses in Afghanistan for the U.N. Human Rights Commission. Fifty more people were reported killed later in January. "Most of the killing at this stage seems to have been indiscriminate, in the sense that all adult males in areas searched were rounded up and taken for execution," Hossain said.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-10-26
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