
"Zionist Anthrax has penetrated the American body to the bone"
  • BY JAMES TARANTO WSJ Opinion On-Line Best of the Web Today
    A State Department foreign-media briefing picks up the following item from the Saudi newspaper Al-Watan, which the State Department describes as "moderate": Since the Zionist terrorism is being inflicted on the U.S. daily, it blocks the improvement of American-Arab-Muslim relationships. We know quite well that the American media is the first target of Zionist terrorism. This influence on the media sometimes even works against American interests. Therefore, we are not surprised by the current American media campaign against the Kingdom . . . but for this campaign to reach Congress, the source of American domestic and foreign policy, indicates that the Zionist Anthrax has penetrated the American body to the bone.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-10-26
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2639