
They hate us, but they want to live here. Why?
  • BY JAMES TARANTO WSJ Opinion On-Line Best of the Web Today
    The Christian Science Monitor features an interview with one of its own reporters, Dan Murphy, who reports from Southeast Asia: "Conceptually, it's cool to be against US policies, but practically speaking, they love the West," says Dan. "People in Thailand buy Osama T-shirts but wear Levis jeans. Two days ago, I was interviewing Iraqi and Afghan refugees. They were all upset about US policy in Afghanistan. But when I asked them where they wanted to go, every one said, 'Australia, the US, Europe, or Canada.' When I asked if they wanted to go to a Muslim nation, they said, 'No way.' "
    Fits right in. We're at war with a society which doesn't recognize cause and effect.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-10-26
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2641