
So long White House gig! My taxes are in order
Howie Carr, Boston Herald

It’s official - I will not be getting a high-level appointment in the Barack Obama administration.

OK, so it was always a longshot, but now it’s a certainty. I just got the news in a letter from the federal government - not from the White House, but from the Internal Revenue Service.

“I have completed the examination of your tax return for the year(s) shown above (2007),” it began. “I am pleased to inform you I’m proposing no change to your tax return.”

In other words, I am not a tax cheat, and I’ve got it in writing.

I wasn’t going to mention this until Tim Geithner, the tax-evading Treasury Secretary, came out yesterday for “tax fairness” - that is, higher taxes. The fact that he said it in front of Rep. Charlie Rangel, another confessed tax cheat, made his breath-taking hypocrisy even more aggravating.

Geithner, you may recall, didn’t pay withholding taxes for years and years, even though he signed affidavits saying he had. Even worse, he illegally took a tax write-off for his kid’s overnight-summer camp. The Geithner doctrine: tax “fairness” for you and me, tax cheating for the Beautiful People....
Posted by: Mike 2009-03-04