
New York Muslim leader won't say the Jews did it, but won't rule 'em out
  • BY JAMES TARANTO WSJ Opinion On-Line Best of the Web Today
    Omar Saleem is the new imam of New York's Islamic Cultural Center, the Big Apple's biggest mosque. The Forward asks him about his predecessor's endorsement of a Jewish conspiracy theory to explain Sept. 11:

    Q: Imam Al-Gamei'a said that he thought the Jews were behind the attack and the Zionist media was trying to cover it up. What do you think of those views?

    A: His argument was that that kind of attack required technology beyond the capability of Osama Bin Laden and Afghanistan. As a matter of fact, in the absence of definitive pieces of evidence, nobody can say for sure. I would not, for example, accuse any party. To be fair, I'd not accuse the Jews or the Muslims. Because no definitive proof has been given that any specific quarter or quarter or authority or organization did that. . . .

    Q: Would you rule out that Jews did it?

    A: (laughs) That is, as a matter of fact, a question that I cannot say, that it was committed by Jews or non-Jews, because I don't have any evidence.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-10-25
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2643