
Virginia Postrel on Fake Females
  • Virginia Postrel
    CONDI RICE, FAKE FEMALE: Glenn Reynolds, who is big on the idea of bellicose women, points to this contrary article by Philip Weiss, which relies heavily on a few high-profile intellectuals to prove that women are still peaceniks. Weiss obviously hasn't talked with my facialist, who doesn't understand why we don't level Afghanistan, never mind the civilians and the difficulty of bombing caves. More important, Weiss is a sexist pig, who declares women who don't fit his model a) not really women b) not really serious. Arundhati Roy, Susan Sontag, and Katha Pollitt are important and female. Condoleezza Rice, on the other hand, is merely playing "the trouser role in light opera, the woman wearing a mustache to everyone's amusement." This is a typical move, demonstrating how far American women remain from full public equality. I thought it was bad when that other sexist pig, Paulina Borsook, called me a "token girl" in her book, Cyberselfish. But at least I was just a magazine editor, not the closest foreign policy adviser to the president of the United States.
    Just another tiring example of the difference between intellects and intellectuals; Rice and Postrel are both real minds; Sontag, Pollitt, et al., are gasbags in skirts.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-10-25
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2649