
South Korean tourists blown up as they admire sunset in Shibam, Yemen
FOUR South Korean tourists have been killed and four wounded by an explosion in the historic city of Shibam in southeast Yemen. The group had been photographing the sunset when a bomb went off.

"According to a preliminary toll, the explosion killed four South Korean tourists and wounded four more, as well as a Yemeni man," a security official in Hadramawt province said. "We think the blast was caused by a bomb that had been planted there."
Oustanding, Legume, how do you do it?
Earlier another local official said the explosion "may have been a suicide attack, but this has not yet been confirmed".

"The explosion happened as they were gathered on a hill called Khazzan that overlooks the city. They were on foot and taking pictures of the buildings in Shibam at the moment the sun went down," he said.

Shibam, about 800km southeast of Sanaa, is a UNESCO world heritage site well known for its high-rise mud-brick buildings. "Its impressive tower-like structures rise out of the cliff and have given the city the nickname of the Manhattan of the desert'," the UNESCO World Heritage website says.
Posted by: tipper 2009-03-15