
Poverty drove Binny to terrorism. Really.
  • Stupidity Watch BY JAMES TARANTO WSJ Opinion On-Line Best of the Web Today
    Reporter Shanay Cadette of the Macon (Ga.) Telegraph begins a dispatch on a United Nations Day panel with the following stunning display of illogic:

    FORT VALLEY--What leads a person to terrorism?

    As it turns out, there's no easy answer to that question. Poverty, frustration and political repression are all reasons that may drive a person to incite fear with a violent attack as the world witnessed Sept. 11. But what is clear is that Islam doesn't automatically equate to terrorism, according to a panel of professors and community members who spoke about Islam, terrorism and globalization at an international forum held Wednesday at Fort Valley State University.

    So let's see if we follow this. Islam doesn't automatically "equate to" terrorism, but poverty, frustration and political repression do? Just how poor does Cadette suppose Osama bin Laden is? How repressed were his hijackers, who were living in America and Germany? As for frustration, that's what we feel when we read nonsense like this, but it's not about to "drive" us to terrorism.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-10-25
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2651