
They're naked, they're Spanish, they're lunatics
They had a lunatic convention in Madrid yesterday. They weren't certifiable lunatics, of course, but they might as well have been. No matter what their mental state, it certainly made the media sit up and take notice.

One hundred or so senors y senoritas threw off their clothes and threw themselves on the ground in the Spanish capital to protest Canada's annual seal hunt. We're pretty sure there's some sort of symbolism involved here, but we haven't quite zeroed in on what it is.

The lunatics smeared themselves with a red liquid that represented the blood that's spilled during the "massacre" (their word) of seals. Most of them were bare ass naked, but some of the more modest protestors wore red underwear.

"We want to sensitize people to the fact that animals are capable of feeling and suffering like us," said Silvia Toval, "and to protest against the massacre of hundreds of thousands of seals which is about to begin in Canada."

The seal hunt has been a tradition in Canada for 350 years. This year, the nation has approved killing 275,000 seals on the Atlantic coast.

Here's our take: The hunt is brutal. We don't want to see it. Don't even want to hear about it. We don't want to know how sausage is made, either. But we're not going to strip naked in Times Square in some sort of misguided pig protest.

Not after that last time.
Look at your own risk, but this is certainly a more photogenic group than those 400+ Marin Count women who spelled out "peace" with their over-fed bodies on a local beach a few years ago. Many of those were in danger of being rolled into the water by concerned environmentalists, if not harpooned by a passing Japanese ship.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy 2009-03-17