
Cheney: Christopher Hill is no Ryan Crocker
Hat tip One Free Korea, who has a long, detailed take down of Mr. Hill with regard to North Korea here.
President Barack Obama's pick as the nation's top diplomat to Iraq was "a choice I wouldn't have made," former Vice President Cheney said. "He is not the man I would have picked for that post," Cheney said of Christopher Hill. "He has none of the skills and talents that Ryan Crocker has."

Hill's appointment ran into Republican resistance for what they describe as his lack of experience in the Middle East and his eagerness to strike a deal in inconclusive disarmament talks with North Korea.

Four Republican senators - Sam Brownback of Kansas, John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and John Ensign of Nevada - have said Obama should reconsider.
Apparently Liebermann also is concerned. If the concerns about Hill pan out he should be given a nice safe office in the Department of the Interior.

Posted by: Steve White 2009-03-18