
Internat'l ANSWER sponsors DC war protest, hundreds show up
Hundreds of war protesters from across the country gathered in Washington on Saturday to mark the sixth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq.
How many hundreds, pray tell? Or were there too few people for the crowd estimators to do their thing?
Organizers from the ANSWER Coalition said more than 1,000 groups sponsored the protest
Interesting ratio: 1,000+ sponsoring organizations cannot muster more than a few hundred protesters. One would think they'd at least send out one apiece. Clearly one would be wrong. And on such a nice day, too -- mild temperatures, sun shining -- a perfect day for a little outdoor exercise.
to call for an end to the Iraq war. Holding signs that read "We need jobs and schools, not war" and "Stop the war!" they rallied around noon across the street from the Lincoln Memorial and by 1:30 p.m., were beginning to march across the Memorial Bridge to the Pentagon.

Anti-war activists said even though former President George W. Bush is out of power, they are disappointed with what they see as stalled action from Obama. Several of them said they supported Obama during his campaign, but that his administration has let them down by not ending the war sooner. Among other concerns protesters raised, they criticized continued troop presence in Afghanistan and called for an end to U.S. support of Israel's military.

This year, the protest was held on a weekend -- a few days after the March 19 anniversary of the war, which began in 2003. Last year's weekday protest was marked by lower turnout than in previous years. Protests also were held in Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Not even vague numbers given, so I assume participation there was also embarrassingly low.
Posted by: trailing wife 2009-03-21